The Next Generation Hyaluronic came up with innovative techniques and technologies to improve the products to their full potential so they can be more effective than any other bio stimulators on the market.

Talented professionals with several decades of experience in the field of aesthetic medicine combined with a network of outstanding, top tier partners covering all phases of the creative, productive and distributive cycles.

Meet the team behind the products below:

Sisthaema Hevo-T brochure.
Sisthaema Hevo-T

Dr. Marjorie Garcerant

Master of Oncologic Aesthetic Medicine
Sisthaema Hevo-T

Dr. John Blythe

Facial surgeon, London
Sisthaema Hevo-T

Dr. Andrea Servili

Aesthetic doctor, Rome

Who are we?

We are the official distributors of next generation products which include Sisthaema HEVO-T, Phormae and Dermal Fillers which are yet to be released later on this year.

You can purchase all of the products from the store, which is www.maxelwholesale.com.

Why should you trust us, as your main supplier?

  • Our customer service team is available 7 days a week
  • We offer next day delivery (some parts of the UK, same day)
  • We have a fair returns policy and our claims departments is always happy to help
  • Our products are unique and tested by us. We would not sell something unless we would use it ourselves.
  • Brand ambassador schemes available
  • Friendly team and loads of freebies

Natural lifting effect

Volume and deep hydration

Young Collagen

Thinner needle less pain

Where we are
